The Art of Procrastination
A good friend of mine, my mentor, actually gave me a new descriptor for what I always feel. It’s called “analysis paralysis”; the lightbulb went off! That is precisely what it is. As a lifelong procrastinator diagnosed as neurodivergent in adulthood, I’m no stranger to getting lost in my head. Often I get so bogged down with the minutia that I can’t come up to the surface for air. Why? My irrational perfectionist fears put me at a hard stop.
I want to know all I can learn, but what does it help if it doesn’t go anywhere?
Think about that for a second…
How many great ideas are you sitting on? When will you stop hitting snooze? Are you fine-tuning, or are you procrastinating?
Sometimes you just have to get the rough draft done. Yeah, it is going to be rough…polish it later.